The Medical Commission is appointed as a Commission of the Executive Council to provide AFI with general advice on all medical and Anti-Doping matters pertaining to athletes and support personnel.

Dr. Shailesh Kumar is the Chairman of the AFI Medical Commission, which comprises of the following three medical specialists and a legal consultant:

  1. Dr. Neeraj K. Gupta. Dr Gupta is aSenior Chief Medical Officer – SAG – Respiratory Medicine with Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi
  2. Dr. Girish Tyagi, who is Registrar,  Delhi Medical Council
  3. Dr. Brajesh Koushle, a Sports Injury Specialist & Orthopedic Surgeon with  Fortis Group of Hospitals, New Delhi
  4.  Mr Parth is the Legal Consultant

The members meet at least once every year to review the activities during the previous year. The members also meet on a regular basis throughout the course of the year in person or telephonically/exchange e-mail, as the need may arise.

The Medical Commission adviseS the Executive Council, where necessary, on any Regulations related to Medical and Anti-Doping issues arising in athletics.

The Chairman of the Medical Commission liaises on a regular basis with IAAF and NADA and other relevant organizations involved in Medical and Anti Doping activities.

The members are active in providing medical advice with the aim to raising the general level of awareness on medical and Anti Doping issues amongst athletes and support personnel. The Chairman may also call upon external experts or seek their support to provide further specialist advice as may be required on a case to case basis.

The Medical Commission of AFI also monitors and implements policies, statements, recommendations or guidelines that have been issued by IAAF. The Medical Commission uses its best efforts to ensure that appropriate and continous medical monitoring of athletes is undertaken internally or through an approved body such as SAI, upon receipt of such a report from National Chief Coach/s.

The Medical Commission is also assisting the Age verification committee to curb overage participation in age specified competitions.

The Medical Commission also plans, implements and monitors Anti Doping information and Anti Doping education programmes. These educational programmes provide updated and accurate information on the following issues like Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods in the Prohibited List published every year, health consequences of doping, Doping Control procedures and Athletes’ rights and responsibilities. To liaison with NADA for Out-of-Competition Testing and In-Competition testing including Re-instatement procedure of athletes upon whom sanctions have been imposed by ADDP of NADA. The athletes and their State Units/Affiliated Boards/National Chief Coach are being constantly updated of the Sanctions and Re-instatement Procedure by the Chairman Medical Commission.

The Medical Commission also assists the athletes in the IAAF Whereabouts Programme on ADAMS. The Chairman of Medical Commission is in constant touch with IAAF and the athletes including all National Campers regarding this so as to avoid any Missed test/Filling Failure by any athlete who is on the Registered Testing Pool of IAAF.

NADA Website Link : Click Here

AFI is 100% committed to drug free athletics through:

  • Investment in personal athlete education
  • Full cooperation with both NADA and WADA

AFI aims to create the following in its fight for a clean sport:

  • Create a generation of athletes with confidence in their ability to excel in athletics without resorting to the misuse of prohibited substances or prohibited methods through effective education and information programmes.
  • The Federation aims to create an ecosystem where it can create  a  generation  of support  staff who understand  that  the  athletes they work with  can achieve their  goals  without  resorting  to  prohibited substances  or  prohibited  methods.
  • To rally a generation of athletics fans sensitive to issues of doping in sport in an effort to increase their receptivity to prevention messages so that they can play their part in ensuring clean athletics.

In consonance with WADA Anti-Doping Rules
AFI functions completely in consonance with the IAAF Anti-Doping Rules and any amendments being made by them from time to time. These rules are published every year. Though in the past, we have been guided by IAAF Anti-Doping Rules, but now it is felt that these rules (Chapter 3 – IAAF Competition Rules) be incorporated in our Constitution. Any amendments in these IAAF Anti-Doping Rules thereafter on an interim or yearly basis, shall automatically be binding on all the athletes and state/affiliated units.

After going through the re-instatement procedure, clearance from the AFI shall be mandatory. AFI shall be empowered to take any action against the athlete as deemed fit, including but not limited to debarring him from competing in athletics for a period minimum equal to sanctions earlier imposed on him. The athlete shall be responsible for submitting his ‘Doping Control Form’ to AFI immediately after his sample is taken.

The AFI conducts seminars, educates upcoming athletes and distributes pamphlets etc. in our meets. Our awareness campaign against substance abuse also involves education of athletes, their parents, and coaches.

AFI also wishes to inform that we are not made party to athletes testing positive in competitions organised by units not affiliated to us or Federation like SGFI leading to misunderstanding with IAAF.

View the WADA 2014 Prohibited List – Click Here

Anti-doping advice for parents
How Parents can help?

The road to success in sports is long and challenging and parents have an important role to play in shaping their child’s sporting career. Parents can be a big support for the athlete along the way and help them handle the highs and lows. By being involved with the child’s career, parents can see first-hand how they cope with the lows, when they have moments of desperation and when they might be tempted to external pressure to make wrong choices.

Under World Anti-Doping Agency Rules, the child is accountable for any prohibited substance found in their system, whether intentionally to cheat or not. Parents need to understand what doping means and how it can affect their child and themselves.

Doping is defined as the occurrence of one or more of the following anti-doping rule violations:

1. Presence of a banned substance in an athlete’s sample

2. Use or attempted use of a banned substance and/or method

3. Refusing to undertake a drug test when notified by official Doping Control Personnel

4. Failure to file accurate athlete whereabouts information or receiving a missed test

5. Tampering with any part of the testing process

6. Possession of a banned substance and or method

7. Trafficking of a banned substance and or method

8. Administering or attempting to administer a banned substance and/or method to an athlete

No Needle Policy of AFI


Anti-Doping Rules (1 Jan 2024)


Submission of Whereabouts


Dope Test Result-2014


Dope Test Result-2015


Dope Test Result-2016


IAAF Practical Guide to Nutrition (May 2013)


Prohibited List 2022


Summary of Major Modifications